品牌:定格 | 型号:LMD-1 | 连接形式:法兰 |
主体材料:不锈钢 | 公称通径:200-1200mm | 3C阀门类别:工业 |
订货号:20190425.2 | 货号:20190425.2 | 适用介质:水 |
密封形式:硬密封型 | 标准:国标 | 外形:中型 |
流动方向:单向 | 驱动方式:手动,电动,气动 | 零部件及配件:手轮 |
用途:截止 | 压力环境:常压 | 工作温度:常温 |
类型(通道位置):直通式 | 规格:400*400 | 是否跨境货源:是 |
主要下游平台:ebay、 亚马逊、 wish、 速卖通、 LAZADA、 独立站、 其他 | 主要销售地区:欧洲、 北美、 南美、 东南亚、 东北亚、 中东、 非洲、 其他 | 有可授权的自有品牌:是 |
Appearance figure:
Appearance figure:
Appearance figure:
Appearance figure:
This valve is widely used at the top and bottom of store house and carry port in metallurgical, mining, building material, food, chemical industries etc. It is the ideal equipment to control a great changing flow, to open and close frequently and to stop quickly.
Structure characteristic:
结构简单、操作灵活、重量轻、无卡阻、切断快,特别适用于各类无粘度的固体、粉料及小于 Φ 10mm 的颗粒料,晶粒料的输送及流量调节,安装不受角度限制, 操作方便, 能随时调节开度。该阀门有手轮和链轮操纵两种操作形式, I 型为手轮, II 为链轮。单向和双向两种结构形式, LZD 为单向、 LZS 为双向。
This valve is simple in structure, handy to operate, light in weight, non-obstructive and quick to stop. It is suitable to be used to carry all kinds of solid material, particle and crystal particle whose diameter is below 10mm and to adjust the flow. It can be installed at any angle and operated handily. The size of its gate can be regulated at any time. This valve has two type of operation. One is manual wheel operation; the other is chain wheel operation. Ⅰ means manual wheel. Ⅱ means chain wheel. The valve has two type of construction LZD is signal direction and LZS is double direction.
Working principle
It is mainly made up of frame, gate board, screw pole, nut etc. Rotate the handwheel by hand, then the screw pole drives the nut and gate board move in horizontal to and fro to open or close the valve.
类别 | A×A | B×B | C×C | H | L | n-d | 重量 |
单向 | 200×200 | 256×256 | 296×296 | 820 | 100 | 8-Φ12 | 62 |
250×250 | 306×306 | 346×346 | 930 | 100 | 8-Φ14 | 70.5 | |
300×300 | 356×356 | 396×396 | 1050 | 100 | 8-Φ14 | 81 | |
400×400 | 456×456 | 496×496 | 140 | 100 | 12-Φ14 | 114 | |
450×450 | 510×510 | 556×556 | 1450 | 120 | 12-Φ18 | 130 | |
500×500 | 560×560 | 606×606 | 1610 | 120 | 16-Φ18 | 147 | |
双向 | 600×600 | 660×660 | 706×706 | 1830 | 120 | 16-Φ18 | 169 |
700×700 | 770×770 | 820×820 | 2130 | 140 | 20-Φ18 | 236 | |
800×800 | 870×870 | 920×920 | 2440 | 140 | 20-Φ18 | 303 | |
900×900 | 974×974 | 1030×1030 | 2660 | 160 | 27-Φ23 | 424 | |
1000×1000 | 10741074 | 1130×1130 | 2870 | 160 | 24-Φ23 | 636 | |
说明 | LMD-单向 | I-手轮 | 距地面小于1.7米用手轮,大于1.7米用链轮 链条节数M=0.105X-113(X是丝杆中心离地面度度) | ||||
sage explanation:
本阀可水平安装或垂直安装 , 安装时两法兰连接中间必须加密封垫片 , 然后锁紧螺栓。操作时手轮顺时针旋转为阀关,反之为开,不得在手轮上再增加辅助杠杆。若长期存放应使设备处于关闭状态,各传动部位应加润滑油,不允许露天存放或堆置。
It can be installed in horizontal or vertical. Sealing gasket must be put on the connected, then equably tight the bolt.
You can not add assistant lever to the hand wheel. Clockwise turn of hand wheel means the closing of valve, otherwise it means opening.
The device should be in the shut-down if the valve-board is placed longer. Driving parts should add lubricated oil. Placing in the open air and piling up is not permitted.